
Progressive's Dr. Rick teaches Young Homeowners How to Avoid That Boomer Life

AdAge , January 04th 2021

A new year brings new opportunities, like maybe finally ticking the final box on the adulting checklist and buying a house. But young homeowners face a terrifying prospect once they do—the thought of becoming just like their parents.

Progressive Insurance is bringing back Dr. Rick to explain how to avoid that fate. The “Parenta-Life Coach” debuted in spots last year, and his new seminars include tips on how to use pdfs, how to silence the ringer on a smartphone and why fellow shoppers at the hardware store have no interest in unsolicited advice.

Hapless young folks find themselves falling into the habits of their forebears once they’ve crossed the mortgage bridge themselves. The campaign from Arnold is styled somewhere between an infomercial and afternoon pop-doc shows. Martin Granger directs via Moxie Pictures. It is running in broadcast, cable, streaming and social placements.

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