
Monster Recruitment's Latest Campaign Takes Work Life Out of the Dark Ages

Little Black Book , August 22nd 2022

Monster and Arnold recently launched their newest spot ‘Wagon Commute,’ the latest work in Arnold’s efforts as AOR, which initially kicked off in early 2022. The spot continues to feature Monster’s dry humor and relatable workday challenges by juxtaposing life in the dark ages, while highlighting the job site’s abundant work-from-home openings that help avoid the dreaded office commute.

Sean McBride, chief creative officer at Arnold said, “When you’re merging two different periods of time like this campaign does, the details need to be perfect for the idea to work. I love the details in this spot. The sound the door makes. The thing you do where you just force your body into the mass of humanity because you know another bus isn’t coming for another half hour. The muffled announcement that comes right after the subway jerks to a halt. This spot is set in the Dark Ages, and yet it manages to capture the feeling of a modern commute perfectly. The details are why.”

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